Your Accredited Partners in
Leadership & Organizational Effectiveness Development

Center for Integral Advantage

We focus on creating a transformative leadership and strategic capacity developmental journey for individuals and organizations.

As an IACET-accredited Provider, Integral Advantage® offers CEUs Credits based on program length and completion. Credits are issued according to The International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) rules and regulations (ANSI/IACET 2018-1 Standard). As the official standard for continuing education and training (CE/T), IACET Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are recognized by a wide range of organizations, including professional associations, regulatory boards, public agencies, corporations, and universities. Contact us for more information.


Gaining Clarity in Complexity

Integral Advantage® stands at the forefront of organizational leadership development and strategic consulting in an ever-evolving and increasingly complex professional world. We recognize that there needs to be more than a one-size-fits-all professional development model.

At Integral Advantage®, we challenge you to delve into the unexplored questions to redefine innovation as a core aspect of your organizational culture. We invite you to connect with us and explore a world of opportunities amid the unprecedented complexity of our time.


Courses, Seminars & Workshops Participants


Organizational Partners


Years of Experience


Innovation & Publishing Awards

    G. P.
    G. P.

    Chief, Procurement & Property Branch @ U.S. Department of Justice

    Thank you for the excellent leadership class. I learned so much and truly grew over this week. I’ve read all the material and plan to revisit different parts of it over the next six months to implement what I’ve learned in small, daily ways. I also plan to take the next leadership class in about six months.

      Participant Testimonial: Executive Leadership Branding (IA-ELB)
      Participant Testimonial: Executive Leadership Branding (IA-ELB)

      SOURCE: Course Evaluation

      I’ve taken many assessments. The IA Encompass is one was the most comprehensive and insightful regarding leadership. I really like using observation groups; they provide so much more than a self-assessment can.

        L. T.
        L. T.

        Chief of Staff U.S. GSA

        Thanks, Dr. Radi, it was a pleasure having you; the training was amazing!!! We are still referencing what we learned during our session with you in April 🙂

          U.S. NAVY CAPT P.E. Malone
          U.S. NAVY CAPT P.E. Malone

          Commanding Officer – USN Engineering Duty Officer School

          Dr. Radi, Thank you for supporting the EDO School by participating in Senior Course. We greatly appreciate your flexibility and patience in executing this course. The participants always benefit from hearing from guest speakers with specialized experience, such as yours.

            Participant Testimonial: Executive Leadership Branding (IA-ELB)
            Participant Testimonial: Executive Leadership Branding (IA-ELB)

            SOURCE: Course Evaluation

            Absolutely outstanding! The course gave me the tools to create what was missing for me—the way forward. I now know what my brand is, how I want to present myself to the world, and what to work toward every single day. Thank you!

              Participant Testimonial: Managerial Leadership Development (Customized Course)
              Participant Testimonial: Managerial Leadership Development (Customized Course)

              Source: Course Evaluation. November 2024

              Excellent instructors and course materials. The blend of professional and personal leadership skills and strategies. And the student mix was perfect. We all learned from each other. Kudos to Robert and Karen!


                Defense Criminal Investigative Service U.S. Department of Defense, OIG

                I just wanted to thank you for putting on an excellent leadership workshop yesterday. The material and conversations were engaging and we received very positive feedback from our management team. We’re hoping to do some supplemental training next fiscal year so I will be in touch.

                  Participant Testimonial: The Breakthrough Managerial Leader (IA-BML)
                  Participant Testimonial: The Breakthrough Managerial Leader (IA-BML)

                  SOURCE: Course Evaluation

                  The instructor cares about the material, cares to make us even better, and cares that we absorb and put into practice the most important elements of the course. Amazing! Gifted! Passionate! Knowledgeable!


                    Branch Chief, Program Management Division (PMD) – U.S. Department of Agriculture

                    Dear Dr. Radi, I hope this message finds you well. I enjoyed your Frontline Supervisory Leadership class. Your insights and practical approaches to leadership have been invaluable.

                      Participant Testimonial: Frontline Supervisory Leadership (IA-FSL)
                      Participant Testimonial: Frontline Supervisory Leadership (IA-FSL)

                      Source: Course Evaluation – DEC 2024

                      It was very engaging and collaborative! Great course! I liked everything about the course. I thought it was great to have one on ones, breakout rooms and the video selections to demonstrate a topic were informative and interesting. It kept me engaged the whole time.

                        Participant Testimonial: Frontline Supervisory Leadership (IA-FSL)
                        Participant Testimonial: Frontline Supervisory Leadership (IA-FSL)

                        Source: Course Evaluation – DEC 2024

                        I felt Dr. Radi had excellent knowledge of the topic and his delivery made it easy to learn the topics. Also Dr. Smart was fantastic with her insight and demeanor, truly has a gift and living in her purpose. Dr. Radi had so many quotes he dropped, love that!


                          Division Chief – Defense Criminal Investigative Service – DOD IG

                          Dear Dr. Radi – On behalf of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service Mid-Atlantic Field Office, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to you for planning and hosting a leadership workshop for the DCIS Mid-Atlantic Field Office management team. You did an outstanding job facilitating the course virtually, eliciting an engaging and stimulating conversation both during the course and afterward. The feedback we received was extremely positive.

                            Participant Testimonial: Managerial Leadership Development (Customized Course)
                            Participant Testimonial: Managerial Leadership Development (Customized Course)

                            SOURCE: Course Evaluation. November 2024

                            The Facilitators and Cohort made the 5 days a relaxed learning environment and the materials taught will enrich my professional and personal life. I liked that in this class you really do get to change partners in the breakout rooms and get to know most of your classmates throughout the week. The facilitators are extremely prepared and skilled.

                              Participant Testimonial: The Breakthrough Managerial Leader (IA-BML)
                              Participant Testimonial: The Breakthrough Managerial Leader (IA-BML)

                              SOURCE: Course Evaluations. SPRING 2024

                              Amazing! Gifted! Passionate! Knowledgeable! Look, Robert cares about the material, cares to make us even better, cares that we absorb and put into practice the most important elements of the course while re-lighting our lamp so serve the American public to our best abilities, and lead our staff and all we work with too! IA, you have a winner!

                                Participant Testimonial: Managerial Leadership Development (Customized Course)
                                Participant Testimonial: Managerial Leadership Development (Customized Course)

                                SOURCE: Course Evaluation. June 2024

                                Dr. Radi challenged my thought processes throughout the course and encouraged me to research beyond my understanding of some of the concepts, in order for me to continue my personal and professional development. He has raised my level of awareness regarding my current and potential leadership abilities. Further, Dr. Radi has encouraged and inspired me to reconsider my pursuit of graduate level education, for which I am most grateful.

                                  Participant Testimonial: The Breakthrough Managerial Leader (IA-BML)
                                  Participant Testimonial: The Breakthrough Managerial Leader (IA-BML)

                                  SOURCE: Course Evaluations

                                  Best aspects? The safe and trusting space created by Dr. Radi and Karen Conrad made the learning community environment so rich and meaningful. The perspectives on various leadership styles and attributes. I truly enjoyed all the components of this course and will be taking part 2.

                                    Participant Testimonial: Strategic Managerial Leadership (Customized Course)
                                    Participant Testimonial: Strategic Managerial Leadership (Customized Course)

                                    SOURCE: Course Evaluations. FALL 2023

                                    Ms. Wang was a solid instructor who promoted an open learning environment. Charlotte did a great job of pulling in relevant comments from both current cadres of learners as well as experiences from previous classes into her comments and discussions. She was very inclusive and worked to ensure that even those who didn’t speak much during the class had their voices amplified through her comments.

                                      Participant Testimonial: Managerial Leadership Development (Customized Course)
                                      Participant Testimonial: Managerial Leadership Development (Customized Course)

                                      SOURCE: Course Evaluations. June 2024

                                      The best aspects of the course include the breakout groups (peer learning helps w/ application) and the instructors. I identify as someone that is in a current state of burnout so for Robert and Karen to get high engagement out of me was remarkable.

                                        Participant Testimonial: Managerial Leadership Development (Customized Course)
                                        Participant Testimonial: Managerial Leadership Development (Customized Course)

                                        SOURCE: Course Evaluations. November 2024

                                        The blend of professional and personal leadership skills and strategies. The Facilitators and Cohort made the 5 days a relaxed learning environment and the materials taught will enrich my professional and personal life.

                                          Participant Testimonial: Managerial Leadership Course (Customized Course)
                                          Participant Testimonial: Managerial Leadership Course (Customized Course)

                                          SOURCE: Course Evaluations. August 2024

                                          There was a good balance of information, practice with the information and discussion time with others. The survey and the mentoring on how to improve from your survey findings. I also really like the questions that cause introspection: Why do you do what you do?

                                            Participant Testimonial: Managerial Leadership Development (Customized Course)
                                            Participant Testimonial: Managerial Leadership Development (Customized Course)

                                            SOURCE: Course Evaluations. November 2024

                                            I liked that in this class you really do get to change partners in the breakout rooms and get to know most of your classmates throughout the week. The facilitators are extremely prepared and skilled.

                                              Participant Testimonial: The Strategic Managerial Leader (IA-SML)
                                              Participant Testimonial: The Strategic Managerial Leader (IA-SML)

                                              SOURCE: Course Evaluations (Summer 2024)

                                              Robert was amazing. His expertise is very clear in how he presents. Coaching was invaluable. Can’t say enough about it. The open discussions and sharing of experiences between participants.

                                                Participant Testimonial: Strategic Leadership Development (Customized Course)
                                                Participant Testimonial: Strategic Leadership Development (Customized Course)

                                                SOURCE: Course Evaluations. July 2024

                                                Dr. Radi’s use of metaphors as a way to have participants make the management frames their own was very useful. The content is amazing, and the discussions with the cohort participants are very enriching. Dr. Radi is a fantastic instructor! He explained the material in a way we could understand and how we can use it in our work.

                                                  Participant Testimonial: Strategic Leadership Development (Customized Course)
                                                  Participant Testimonial: Strategic Leadership Development (Customized Course)

                                                  SOURCE: Course Evaluations. July 2024

                                                  Dr. Radi explained the material in a way we could understand and how we can use it in our work. I think the interactions with my breakout team members were very helpful in giving me different perspectives either on my use case or how I was seeing the frame. The 360 assessment and coaching call were also super helpful.

                                                    Participant Testimonial: The Strategic Managerial Leader (IA-SML)
                                                    Participant Testimonial: The Strategic Managerial Leader (IA-SML)

                                                    SOURCE: Course Evaluations. SUMMER 2024

                                                    Robert Radi and his clear passion to teach, inspire us to be greater than we think we are capable of being, and a class taught like a well-orchestrated musical. The pre-readings are excellent. And anticipating any system failures.

                                                      Participant Testimonial: Strategic Leadership Development (Customized Course)
                                                      Participant Testimonial: Strategic Leadership Development (Customized Course)

                                                      SOURCE: Course Evaluations. September 2024

                                                      The instructors, Dr. Radi and Charlotte Wang, were very knowledgeable and interacted with peers. Interesting discussions and examples. I loved the small teams, and the content was relevant.

                                                        Participant Testimonial: Strategic Leadership Development (Customized Course)
                                                        Participant Testimonial: Strategic Leadership Development (Customized Course)

                                                        SOURCE: Course Evaluations. September 2024

                                                        Dr. Radi is the best instructor I have ever had the privilege of taking a course from (I have had two) in my career as well as my formal education. He is knowledgeable, prepared, genuine, engaging, and thoughtful in his communication and presentation.

                                                          Participant Testimonial: Supervisory Leadership Development (Customized Course)
                                                          Participant Testimonial: Supervisory Leadership Development (Customized Course)

                                                          SOURCE: Course Evaluations. July 2024

                                                          I liked the scientific evidence-based approach. The assessments were very valuable, especially for someone with good introspect. They provided me with insight as to why I’m struggling in certain areas and succeeding in others. The one-on-one break out groups were outstanding. Meeting Dr. Radi and Dr. Smart — They both have such great knowledge. Also, meeting other class members and learning about their experiences.

                                                            Participant Testimonial: Executive Leadership Branding (Customized Delivery)
                                                            Participant Testimonial: Executive Leadership Branding (Customized Delivery)

                                                            SOURCE: Course Evaluations. FALL 2024

                                                            The 360 results formats, the blueprint/work sheet that populated info later, the presentation of material, the number and length of breakouts, the presentation material, etc. all of it, Dr. Radi’s material and presentation style are fabulous. Excellent!

                                                              Participant Testimonial: Executive Leadership Branding (Customized Delivery)
                                                              Participant Testimonial: Executive Leadership Branding (Customized Delivery)

                                                              SOURCE: Course Evaluations. FALL 2024

                                                              The handout was awesome! easy to follow and very informative. Dr. Radi was fantastic too. Great teacher and leader made the room interactive but intriguing. the PDF “co-pilot” was immensely helpful. I enjoyed the break-outs. Speaking in front of the entire class would have been intimidating, but it was helpful to get feedback from one other person.

                                                                Participant Testimonial: Leading Organizational Change (Customized Course)
                                                                Participant Testimonial: Leading Organizational Change (Customized Course)

                                                                SOURCE: Course Evaluations. WINTER 2023

                                                                I will be transitioning my class project to actually making the case to HQ for our need for two additional positions to implement the BIL transportation program which will take place for the next five years. No guarantees but Dr. Radi’s coursework and my project will give me a stronger base from which to make my presentation. Just hope they listen and if not I might get Dr Radi to step in – just kidding. Seriously, you could tell the support he gave each of the students for the development of our projects. He was our biggest supporter!!

                                                                  Participant Testimonial: The Breakthrough Managerial Leader (IA-BML)
                                                                  Participant Testimonial: The Breakthrough Managerial Leader (IA-BML)

                                                                  SOURCE: Course Evaluation

                                                                  I was able to connect the class discussions more meaningfully to my current role. It’s a lot to be someone’s leader, manager, go-to person, coach, mentor, and more—it’s a responsibility I don’t take lightly.

                                                                    Participants Testimonials: Strategic Leadership Development (Customized Course)
                                                                    Participants Testimonials: Strategic Leadership Development (Customized Course)

                                                                    Dr. Radi is an excellent instructor for this course. It is evident he has a wealth of knowledge and experiences that directly increase the value of the course. He is an excellent presenter and facilitator – he strikes a perfect balance of energy and motivation without being disingenuous or making quieter attendees feel uncomfortable. His coaching session was extremely value-added – he demonstrated a genuine interest in my leadership situation, and I walked away from the session with insights I would have never come to on my own. He is very accessible and flexible. I will highly recommend this course with him as the instructor to my peers and colleagues.

                                                                    THE EXPERIENCE YOU NEED TO spark CURIOSITY

                                                                    Our experience across innovation, strategy, and leadership development has been the driver of value creation for some of the largest organizations in the nation.

                                                                    Our APPROACH

                                                                    Flexible Course Delivery

                                                                    Integral Advantage® can adapt the course delivery to the particular needs of the client. Courses are held on our Zoom platform, in-person at our selected facilities, or the client’s facility. Accredited by IACET, the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training

                                                                    Immersive Experience

                                                                    Facilitated over full immersion sessions, our courses are informative and designed to be interactive, engaging, and reflective of real-world scenarios. Our team is dedicated to crafting and delivering transformative learning experiences


                                                                    New Perspectives

                                                                    Our course participants are exposed to new points of view that they have rarely (if ever) explored. Drawing on cutting-edge research and extensive experience, we cultivate a mindset that transcends traditional leadership development.


                                                                    START YOUR JOURNEY NOW

                                                                    New Book Available

                                                                    Inception Mindset is a transformative exploration of leadership and personal growth for our permanently complex world. Dr. Robert Radi invites you to embark on a cognitive journey that balances curiosity, knowledge, philosophy, skills, and action.